Welcome to my Website!

Here is my Website as you can see. And as you can see there shoud be a my music catalog
but it is not ready yet :)

I`ve decide to start working on the website becouse find out that popular music catalogs (such as Metal archives and Discgos)
starts to use CloudFlare DDoS protection and for me as internet privacy guy it was unacceptible, and in general that was pretty
bloated websites, not what I would want from websites like that. The main source of inspiration for me is gemeni sites
(or as they call it "capsule") nice, clean and fast. The website is created in the Middle of November, hope it will be redy somewhere in December.

Of course I will not post here any music cuz I don't wanna any problems with CopyRight.

There will be just list of artist little info, and discography
